If I am away from water too long, my heart actually aches. For me, water is my church; it’s where I go to re-center myself, to pray, to give thanks. I grew up running around barefoot at the lake – where nights were spent sitting around a good fire singing John Denver songs and telling inappropriate jokes.
But I’m also a city girl and Detroit is my city. I love the way the city moves in quick vibration. Rooted in grit – Detroit is a city that knows how to hustle, especially when the odds are stacked against it. I watch the sun rise over the city on my drive to work and I can’t help but feel grateful that I live here.
As I drive to work, you can also find me in the driver seat, dancing and singing at the top of my lungs to a good song without an ounce of shame. (Please note that I will 100% dance at your wedding reception as well).
Some people say that I am Taylor Swift or Kristin Bell’s dobble ganger and honestly, I’m cool with that.
I know almost every single Gilmore Girl episode by heart. If I’m being honest, it’s borderline embarrassing how much that show influenced my life growing up.
I’m one cat away from being a crazy cat lady – Just kidding, I have three – I’m already crazy.
I believe that a strong cup of coffee is the only way to start a morning. I believe that my purpose on this Earth is to love, despite whatever pain has been thrown my way because of it. I believe that sometimes, we have to live our way into the answers. I believe that a Whitney Houston dance party with your friends can cure all.
I believe all of these things are tiny pieces of what makes me, me and truthfully – that’s who you’re hiring. Yes, you are hiring a photographer with ten years of experience and a photojournalism degree from Michigan State University, but above all – I’m just a qwerky short blonde girl that will make you laugh and tell you to take a deep breath when things get stressful and I promise, I’ll write your story with loving eyes.